At Tapawera Area School. Health Checks - Kāumatua Lounge - Bouncy Castle

Farewell to Pete McKenzie
If you are a patient of Pete’s you should have received a letter letting you know that he is retiring from Wakefield Health Centre at the end of March this year.
Pete and his wife Jane came to Wakefield in 1988, having bought the practice from Dr John Davis. The Wakefield Health Centre opened in August 1990 when Pete combined practices with Ted Bassett and Tony Eames. Later, when Ted retired, Audrey joined the Wakefield practice. Pete has been at Wakefield Health Centre for 30 years, and although he is retiring from general practice Pete will be continuing with his muscular skeletal specialist service in Collingwood Street, Nelson.
The health centre is currently in the process of evaluating the health needs of the community, taking into account the expanding role of the GP within the health system. As a result we are putting considerable thought into finding a replacement GP for Pete. It is important to us that we find the right person, and we will introduce the new GP via the Window on Wakefield newsletter and our website as soon as we can. In the meantime there will be additional GPs at the surgery to ensure that the same level of service is provided.
We will be holding an open afternoon tea on Thursday 29 March from 3pm here at the surgery to say farewell to Pete. You are most welcome to attend and we look forward to seeing you here.